Binding Citizenship as a Bridge between Communities and Institutions: Dialogues between Christian Social Ethics, Political Philosophy and Social Sciences
Cristián Hodge, Marianne Daher, Antonia Rosati, Rodrigo López (2024)
People are intrinsically relational beings and this need to interact is channelled into the establishment of communities, whose organization is often formalized into institutions. An opposition between both types of groups has been raised in the literature. This article seeks to critically analyze the relationship between communities and institutions, based on Christian social ethics, political philosophy, and social sciences through a bibliographic exploration and a transdisciplinary discussion. The concepts of community and institution are analyzed and citizenship connections with both concepts are discussed, considering two different traditions of citizenship, and its relationship with democratic culture and community building. To conclude, the concept of binding citizenship as a bridge between communities and institutions is proposed, and solidarity and liberty are considered as two principles that become integrated and can coexist in communities and institutions.
Cómo citar: Hodge, C., Daher, M., Rosati, A. & López, R. (2024). Binding citizenship as a bridge between communities and institutions: Dialogues between christian social ethics, political philosophy and social sciences. International Journal of Public Theology, 18(3), 324-345. https://doi.org/10.1163/15697320-20241578

Desarrollo humano integral y sostenible: Diálogos entre
Sen-PNUD y el pensamiento social católico contemporáneo
Cristián Hodge, Marianne Daher, Rodrigo López, Juan Carlos Castilla, Gonzalo Edwards (2018)
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las convergencias, complementariedades y diferencias entre la noción de desarrollo humano de Amartya Sen y el PNUD con el pensamiento de Benedicto XVI y Francisco. Las distintas nociones de desarrollo humano incluyen la integralidad o multidimensionalidad de las personas, así como la inclusión y la sustentabilidad. Cada noción de desarrollo supone una visión del ser humano, de la libertad, de la responsabilidad y de la agencia. Se discute acerca de la relevancia de las instituciones, la eficiencia y la complejización de índices que consideren tanto lo social como lo ambiental. Finalmente, se postulan los aportes de la ética social cristiana a las políticas públicas en esta materia.
Cómo citar: Hodge, C., Daher, M., López, R., Castilla, J.C. & Edwards, G. (2018). Desarrollo humano integral y sostenible: Diálogos entre Sen-PNUD y el pensamiento social católico contemporáneo. Teología y Vida, 59(3), 399-430. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0049-34492018000300399